What are you actually paying for when the guy turns up to service your ducted air conditioner as part of your regular Air Conditioning Maintenance Contract?
• Are they checking refrigerant running pressures?
• Are they thoroughly cleaning the return air filter/s?
• Are they even getting in the roof to check the system and drain?
As the market and industry are getting flooded with more and more contractors, prices are getting driven down and down as there is a need to be more competitive. However this then causes cost cutting and short cuts to occur in order to break even, let alone make a profit.
We have been seeing this first hand so much lately; coming into a job for a new customer who has been paying good money for regular servicing, and not actually getting anything for it.
This customer had a service contract with another local company for years, however I don’t think anything had been actually getting done…
Its amazing what a bit of time and effort can do!
End result: Happy Air Con = Happy Customer